I was bummed when the show didn't last.
I seem to recall that it made it to a(n aborted) second season, but they seriously re-worked the premise (and I think they might have even moved the Chris Eigeman character, and therefor the show, back to New York), as usual for the worse.
Non-Lost-related: I *love* Chris Eigemann.
So, this is Lost's version of "Normal Again," then?
I have issues with mental health-related things, and I have ginormous issues with weight, so I don't really have any commentary, except to say -- I loves me some Hurley.
Non-Lost-related: I *love* Chris Eigemann.
He performed in my one-act play at Williamstown! Okay, it was just scene-study, but he
do my lines.
So, this is Lost's version of "Normal Again," then?
I only caught about 20 minutes, and yet kept thinking the same thing, over and over.
I have issues with mental health-related things, and I have ginormous issues with weight, so I don't really have any commentary, except to say -- I loves me some Hurley.
Yes this. They tore me up this episode. Jorge did a great job of making it real. Ouch.
The pain in the backstories is mucho ouch. Also, if Libby crushes Hurley there had better be a scene with Sayid, Locke, and Danielle causing her pain.
I thought Libby looked more disturbed than plotting, in that final shot, but I'm not sure what to make of the actor's skill, yet.
She sure didn't look loving.
Now I'm bummed that I don't have the episode on tape. I somehow totally missed the look she gave Hurley behind his back.
It wasn't really behind his back, Sean. They were walking side by side, I think, but not looking at each other. It was after she had her flashback to her days in the institution. She just looked off, to me.
Edited because on rewatch, I was nearly totally wrong in any statement in this post that wasn't just supposed to be opinion in the first place.
She looked disgusted to have to pretend to love him....