I have issues with mental health-related things, and I have ginormous issues with weight, so I don't really have any commentary, except to say -- I loves me some Hurley.
Yes this. They tore me up this episode. Jorge did a great job of making it real. Ouch.
The pain in the backstories is mucho ouch. Also, if Libby crushes Hurley there had better be a scene with Sayid, Locke, and Danielle causing her pain.
I thought Libby looked more disturbed than plotting, in that final shot, but I'm not sure what to make of the actor's skill, yet.
She sure didn't look loving.
Now I'm bummed that I don't have the episode on tape. I somehow totally missed the look she gave Hurley behind his back.
It wasn't really behind his back, Sean. They were walking side by side, I think, but not looking at each other. It was after she had her flashback to her days in the institution. She just looked off, to me.
Edited because on rewatch, I was nearly totally wrong in any statement in this post that wasn't just supposed to be opinion in the first place.
She looked disgusted to have to pretend to love him....
I think the look was meant to be about her past and how she's changed, not about her feelings toward Hurley.
I just replayed it, because I had the suspicion I got it all bass ackwards, when talking to Sean (and I did).
She actually has "the look" before she has the memory of being in the institution. But it seems to me the look is not so much disgust (although now that I've rewatched I can see why some people would interpret it differently).
It seems to me that it's sort of the visual cue that she's slipping off into memory. Contrary to what I said before, it was sort of behind his back. They were walking together, holding hands, but he sort of slipped ahead, but it wasn't the sort of behind-your-back look that seemed aimed at him. She looked lost in thought, to me. Then they went right to the memory, where she seems to have the same look.
I think she looked more confused than anything else.
Non-Lost-related: I *love* Chris Eigemann.
Did you ever see his recurring role as Malcom's teacher/nemesis on Malcolm in the Middle? So wonderfully petty and vindictive.
I always find it odd not seeing him in either a tux or a naval officer's uniform.
It seems to me that it's sort of the visual cue that she's slipping off into memory. Contrary to what I said before, it was sort of behind his back. They were walking together, holding hands, but he sort of slipped ahead, but it wasn't the sort of behind-your-back look that seemed aimed at him. She looked lost in thought, to me. Then they went right to the memory, where she seems to have the same look.
This is how I saw it too.