I really like cranberry liqueur.
Emmett's godmother made it one year as a xmas giveaway and it was fantastic, particularly since she left a lot of chopped up cranberry at the bottom which became this delicious liqueur soaked relish that was sensational on vanilla ice cream.
Hah! I usually can only handle a few spoonfuls at a time (the flavor is just so intense) but that describes it well. Usually, I'd make it a day before, using frozen crans (by putting through one of those cast hand crank grinders you clamp to the table- lots of satisfying pops! and juice gushing into a bowl situated on the floor) and then have to guard the fridge and use multiple containers stashed behind the turkey to prevent it from being depleted before the meal.
I ought to steal my mom's grinder. Only used a few times a year, and mostly by me.
I tend to make jellied cranberry sauce. orange rind orange juice cranberries and a bit of sugar. but I tend to like cranberries in any form
My family makes cranberry sauce with half the amount of sugar in the recipe on the Ocean Spray bag.
I rebel and add orange zest as well.
A friend's sister made cranberry (vodka) martinis for us one Thanksgiving. They were yum. I'm not such a fan of the sauces, though.
We always had one can of the jelled stuff, for my dad and mom who like it that way too. And sweet potatos for them too. My brother and I never liked those. Now the sill (pickled herring, not in cream sauce) ...that's another one-bite thing. My dad could eat two jars. My tongue shrivels at the thought.
(what brought this on- my parents are meeting my aunt and uncle in N. NM for TG. They think they'll see if they can bring sweet tamales up, but figure they'll just go out for a killer mexican meal. I was shocked that they weren't going to bring relish as well.)
I think I'm supposed to get flu shots -- mild asthma, plus frequent respiratory infections. I hate getting the shot, though. I think I've gotten the shot most of the past few years, so I suppose I'll do the same this year.
Okay, here's my flu shot ish. AFAIK the flu shot only innoculates you against one or two strains, and since we don't have a vaccine for the scary bird flu, that won't be one of them.
I think the issue with flu shots and the bird flu is that the more people who are resistant to the regular flu, when the bird flu strain hits this way, there will be fewer people who have the ability to be infect by both the regular (and more contagious) flu and the bird flu at the same time, allowing them to combine and be the next evil deadly flu.
So I guess really, we should sending our flu vaccines to Vietnam and Thailand, so they don't mix the flus.
I like it at around 1:47 a.m., by the light of the fridge, with a furtive spoon.
Plei and I could not live happily together, no matter how good I wrangle babies. Unless there were enough relish for us both.
Hey, what language is "bis" meaning (I think) between or to ( like one to seven)? I was babbling at the cat and it popped out and now I can't think of the direct translation (though I know I used it correctly!) It's got to be german, french or spanish. Maybe czech, but I doubt it.