Timelies all!
My car wouldn't start after work, so I had to call AAA and wait for the tow-truck guy. He jump-started the car and I got home ok. Unfortunately that means that tomorrow I gotta go get a new battery for the car.(assuming it will start again) Not my idea of fun for a Saturday. (At least I have a Christine Lavin concert tomorrow night to look forward to.)
ita, the thread is too quiet. I think you need to find some more links.
Perkins, why don't you start with this, and I'll go hunting: [link]
I tried, ita, but all I got was a blank square.
You don't have Flash installed? Damned shame. You're missing a fascinating site.
Let me find something else...
You're missing a fascinating site.
as always, I'm wondering if it's real or a strange spoof.
And it reminds me I should track down the Planned Human Extinction site again.
It's a strange spoof, I'm pretty sure.
My lord, I swear I just heard a co-worker say on the phone she's not talking to our boss anymore. Then she slipped into her native language
lowered her voice. Shenanigans!
Completely daft web comic: [link] Archive: [link]
as usual, ita's link is squicking me out.
as for the weekend, there will be grading, laundry, and probably some dishes. there will be playing with children and perhaps even a birthday party to go to. there will not be enough sleep.
Spoof or not, I can imagine people who would be willing to go through with it.
Here we go, the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.
And, boy, lots of people here have them annoyed.