It's a strange spoof, I'm pretty sure.
My lord, I swear I just heard a co-worker say on the phone she's not talking to our boss anymore. Then she slipped into her native language
lowered her voice. Shenanigans!
Completely daft web comic: [link] Archive: [link]
as usual, ita's link is squicking me out.
as for the weekend, there will be grading, laundry, and probably some dishes. there will be playing with children and perhaps even a birthday party to go to. there will not be enough sleep.
Spoof or not, I can imagine people who would be willing to go through with it.
Here we go, the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.
And, boy, lots of people here have them annoyed.
Pretty pictures of Wentworth Miller that will soon go on my site: [link] -- the rest of that site is good for trashy gossip and pictures.
You don't have Flash installed? Damned shame. You're missing a fascinating site.
Not at work. I will have to wait until I get home.
I don't find WM all that pretty right now.
I hope that doesn't mean I am broken.
I was supposed to go to the grocery store tonight on my way home, but I think that just got replaced with the sushi restaurant.
Completely daft web comic: [link]. Archive: [link]
Oh, that's almost as good as that dinosaur comic.
Is it weird that I am thinking of going to Whole foods to get Mac and cheese and sushi for dinner?
Tonight I made a fruitless search for orange satin xmas ornaments. Tomorrow, I will probably Xmas shop and clean, and once my apartment is clean I will get my Xmas tree.