Does anyone have a good recipe for vegan cookies/brownies/other baked goods? My hairdresser is vegan, and therefore misses out on partaking of a lot of the baked gifts that other salon patrons bring in as holiday gifts.
I swear, you are the sweetest woman in the world.
As long as we're talking about Spooks, does anyone have 3.04 lying around? I've had Season 3 sitting around forever, and I have all of Season 4, but we got through the first three episodes of Seasons 3 and realized there was a gap.
If it's only the one file, some sort of internet-based transmission would work...
Their posts need to go through peer review. For values of "peer" that include monkeys.
Dolphin testing has been delayed due to the lack of keyboards large enough to let them type with their noses.
I have a nasty sore throat, so I get to stay home from work today! Woo hoo! Plus I have a kitty cat across my feet, keeping them toasty. Now I just need to figure out how to get Santa to bring me a pink Razr, and I'll be good. Well, a pink Razr and a car. That's not so much to ask for, is it? It's only two things.
How is everybody?
I don't get it.
ETA: I did get a nice number, though.