I have a nasty sore throat, so I get to stay home from work today! Woo hoo! Plus I have a kitty cat across my feet, keeping them toasty. Now I just need to figure out how to get Santa to bring me a pink Razr, and I'll be good. Well, a pink Razr and a car. That's not so much to ask for, is it? It's only two things.
How is everybody?
I don't get it.
ETA: I did get a nice number, though.
Dolphin testing has been delayed due to the lack of keyboards large enough to let them type with their noses.
It's a great pity that as smart as dolphins are, they won't be able to express themselves because they're limited to hunt-and-peck.
Alibelle, now that you will be living in LA and have a license, when are you going to come visit?
I am, too, though.
Maybe if they got head pointers.