I hope you're all happy. I was just upstairs dropping off some papers for someone's signature, and the hallway was covered with FLU SHOT signs, so I got one, all because of you. Also, I didn't flip out over the needle-ness of it hardly at all, and my nurse gave me a Power Rangers band-aid.
Still, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU. Except for Nutty, the contrarian anti-alarmist.
my nurse gave me a Power Rangers band-aid.
Cool! Dino-Thunder or SPD?
Gee, I didn't even get a Band-Aid when I got my shot. All they did was stick me and then rub a little alcohol on my arm.
I'm not gettin' no stinkin' flu shot.
Gee, I didn't even get a shot. They cancelled them twice here.
(To be fair, I've never had a flu shot before, though I was planning to take advantage this year.)
Kathy, I made a point of warning the nurse that I had a needle phobia and I was trying hard not to wig out, but it might not be easy, so I think I scored the Ninja Storm as a reward for courage under fire.
The sensation of it barely even qualified as "hurt," really. Hey, needle phobia? Fuck you!
Hec, dear... @@
Hec, dear... @@
Fine. See if I bring you juice when you've got a half-assed flu this weekend.