Kathy, I made a point of warning the nurse that I had a needle phobia and I was trying hard not to wig out, but it might not be easy, so I think I scored the Ninja Storm as a reward for courage under fire.
The sensation of it barely even qualified as "hurt," really. Hey, needle phobia? Fuck you!
Hec, dear... @@
Hec, dear... @@
Fine. See if I bring you juice when you've got a half-assed flu this weekend.
oops. nebbermind.
don't worry - like I said I was talking sideways - it happens when I get eyerolly .
now I am watching the Smallville/vampire episode - very amuseing very silly
David - you might not need one - your wife with her allergies - needs it to keep breathing .
See if I bring you juice when you've got a half-assed flu this weekend.
Well, I think
half of this couple needs to start ailing this weekend and fail to garner sympathy for it...
I want to go home now.
Mebbe I can get the flu in the next 5 minutes.
Fine. See if I bring you juice when you've got a half-assed flu this weekend.
That's okay, because I will trundle you up to the emergency room later on when I'm all robust and you're oozing with full-assed flu.
(Actually, no, I just fret, because I think of poor marvelous Jim Henson, who died suddenly and stupidly of the flu the year I graduated from college, and how when my friends and I heard that news on NPR as we were all driving up to see the Spike & Mike animation festival in Rhinebeck, we all got hushed and sniffly, and I love you EVEN MORE THAN I LOVE JIM HENSON.)
Well, I think one half of this couple needs to start ailing this weekend and fail to garner sympathy for it...
Look at that, a literal case of ill-wishing.
That's a big love.
I love you more than Frank Oz, too, except that he hasn't gone and died of something idiotic that makes me go all "Bob could die of carrots, too!"