Here's what you quoted, bon:
My personal ethics are in adopting the rules of the store/community/country when I cross over into it.
Here's what you didn't:
The line I have a hard time articulating is when it's worth breaking the rule, or trying to change it. Pretty much nothing in gambling is going to make me need to stick it to the man. I have no level of ownership in either a casino or gambling as a whole. Gets much shadier when it comes to countries and communities.
If that doesn't indicate off the bat that I haven't stated a hard and fast rule, but rather a guiding and imperfectly expressed principle, I got nothing else to use to illustrate it.
DJ -- I also never said I liked dress codes. I said I follow them if I want what's on the other end of them. Like a paycheck, or a meal, or a krav class.
I don't like spending money. But I do often like what I get when I spend it. And I don't steal.
I also have nothing against counting cards! I'm saying that counting cards is against the rules of the casinos that don't allow counting cards.
Y'all are reading more personal into the specifics than I'm stating.
Why did my fever have to come back? I really didn't miss it while it was gone.
I probably follow them, but I'm less likely to take a job that has them. Mostly because I find them incredibly and unfairly biased. I cannot and will not wear a high necked shirt. It makes me look like I have one ginormous boob. Some people are offended or whatever at the slightest hint of cleavage. My tits are there, I suggest people learn to deal. It's not like I have them hanging out, but I'm not going to wear something that makes me look like ass. On the other hand I'm being kind of unfair, because there are things I find ok, I wouldn't wear at work. For instance my "No on PROP 2" button. It's not offensive, and something I think I should be able to wear whenever, but I can see that a (and I hate to call it this, because I think it's like wearing a "Don't be evil" button) political statement is inappropriate for what I do.
Pretty much, I think I'm adult, treat me like one. (To the bosses, not you).
Perkins, fevers are like that. Mine's back paying me a visit too. Crummy little jerk.
We need to do away with them. Where's Clovis?
Excellent question.
Clovis! Bunny wanna kill fevers? Fevers are bogarting the evil and keeping it away from Bunny.
Kat, I blame you! We now have to go through the 400odd records Mr. Jane's dad gave him over Thanksgiving.
It's actually a pretty impressive collection. And hey, we just found the Clockwork Orange soundtrack, so thanks!
I don't think I've ever missed this much work before. I cant go in like this, and I'm a secretary, so I cant do much from home.
Totally plagued. I am so stuffy and coughy. I sleep almost all the time, in between nose blowing and such. The computer is only like, two feet from my bed so posting has been my only contact with the outside world aside from a trip to the video store and grocery store.
I watched March of the Penguins. I was horribly bored. I mean, penguins are cute and all, but an hour and twenty minutes of penguins huddled against storms is just boring.