Also, I'd like a Roomba please.
I saw the ad for the new one with scheduling (!) today. I was all excited for the possibilities of cat torture at random times in my absence, until the hub pointed out that it would just get it on with the computers and the carbon-based sentients would no longer be needed here.
I'd be okay for the carbon-based types to take a break. Or at least have less responsibility.
Want Roomba with scheduling. AND a roomba to do the dishes and put them away please.
They've been protected, and the state fish, in California for the last decade. Too many young ones were going to aquariums. The population is healthy now.
I want a Roomba and a camcorder for Christmas. The cats do not.
If it were just a break, I'd be fine with it. But it'll take over everything, I tell you!!!1!1!
(and, sadly, still want to keep us around to clean the cat box)
I want two Roombas with random scheduling - i.e each Roomba would clean the apartment at random times. Occasionally, they both would try to clean at the same time. When that happens, they'd fight, with lasers.
God help me, I'm addicted to Mile High. First Green Wing, then this. What wily powers do the British wield?
I'm addicted to Mile High
Should I cut out the usual time where I miss it, catch the show later and love it, and just watch it now?
Should I cut out the usual time where I miss it, catch the show later and love it, and just watch it now?
It's BBC America, which means the season is probably almost over. When the feeling gets visceral, that's what it means. I swear, it's not even a good show. There's something about how it mixes the raucous bawdiness with "now you care for this character" sentimentality that gets me.