Nilly, I have class until 2:30 today, with some breaks. Nice to post with you, too!
Sarameg, there's actually an optical illusion thing where you have color names printed in different colors and you have to name the color of the print. Is hard.
msbelle, not even a little? Just a wee little bit. Only for the vacation thing, so it's really just for the day...alright. Just jealous.
vacation day will not be spent lounging about, we have a long list to get through. Also? I have 3 work calls to make on my day off which is really less than fair.
I just cleared up all the work e-mails accumulated during my absence.
I should shower.
not sure if you want to live there...
To visit, perhaps?
I'll get my pictures online eventually
Yay! The descriptions read lovely, already.
I have class until 2:30 today
All of it boring? I hope not!
Saw "Lord of War" this weekend. That was a cool movie. I'm beginning to quite like Nicholas Cage.
I am ignoring my sore throat. I am not getting a cold, and that is all.
I am ignoring what Perkins is ignoring. I have six concerts in five days next week, and I can clearly not be sick for them.
Timelies and gronklies. Back to work. Ate too much over the weekend. Car in need of repairs (radiator or related). Lost ability to write desciptive sentances. Send anti-gronk, stat!
So, we still all on board with repealing Mondays?
My reading lately has concentrated mostly on quantum mechanics and cosmology. Now I'm really interested in the LHC at CERN, but the the darn thing won't be done for awhile.
Dana, I'm not going to post "feel better" for you, since you're clearly healthy enough for your concerts. So just a "continue being well", OK?
Gud, were you reading anything specific in these topics?
Also I'm interested in ITER (the big experimental fusion reactor) but I'm not holding my breath on that one. Much like fusion is the power of the future and always will be, ITER seems to always be just about ready to start.