Jesse, can you snag an underwire from a sucky bra and make Frankenbra?
I did a triple take when I read this until I realized I was mis-reading the last word.
Timelies! Had a great weekend in Maine (and avoided the cray-zee-ness that Nora described per Salem). Finally, a weekend this Autumn where the weather was the opposite of suck-ass. Go team foliage (and there was still some pretty left).
Oh dear. Just read MMs post in press. {{{{{AIMEE!!!}}}}}
I do not know the different meanings of the dashes. the client had sent us text with two dashes in one place. I think we used an en-dash. I could not care less, but I will make sure it is ok with the client before the day is over.
I am running out now to get a bagel with cream cheese and tomato and possibly a salad.
I'm not eating. I'm sitting here, waiting for the revisions that were due at noon. And working on my yuletide signup.
They probably wanted an en-dash, then. Unless they wanted a hyphen. Now, if they'd done it twice, in a sort of a bracketing fashion, total em-dash time. I hope there were no spaces around it!
Ah, yes. No lunch. Perhaps I'll sip some more ginger ale, and nibble a day-old neutered California roll.
Lunch was an avocado sandwich. I have an abundance of them that were blown off the tree. It’s eat them up in the next week or so or toss them.
I had leftover pizza for brunch, so I'm afraid I'll be in snack mode for any future eating today.
Mmmm, avocados.
I had some roasted chicken, a hunk of cheddar cheese, and a cup of peach yogurt.
But the long walk I had before lunch was better than the food. It's in the upper 60s (F) and sunny here today. Breezy, too. Perfect walking weather.
All my avocado are belonging to Laura. I had them leave those out of my California rolls. The fat is unappealing right now.
I had a cheese stick, a bag of froofroo gourmet potato chips and a minitootsie roll.
I regret the tootsie roll.