How to say. If I weren't planning on coming home for Thanksgiving, it would require a phone call to say so. If I were planning on coming home for the 4th, it would require a phone call to say so, and the likely response would be, "O...kay," which would be code for, "Huh? Why? I mean, not that it won't be nice to see you, but... why?"
To me, it's a hang with the people you like where you are at a BBQ and watch fireworks if you're of a mind (or just do nothing and enjoy the day off) holiday, not a default see the family holiday.
Any Canadians around? I'd love to know if it's different there. Most of my friends presented a dislike of Thanksgiving, but that might have been University posturing. Not that July 2nd seemed a big deal, but we weren't in session then, so I don't have as much data.
If I weren't planning on coming home for Thanksgiving, it would require a phone call to say so. If I were planning on coming home for the 4th, it would require a phone call to say so
I like that explanation. It's very simple.
A lot of USians dislike going home for Thanksgiving, but still go.
Is Thanksgiving a completely Christian holiday? I mean, Christians certainly celebrate it, but for some reason it's always struck me as far more secularizable than Christmas. Or maybe that's true just in my head....
Is Thanksgiving a completely Christian holiday? I mean, Christians certainly celebrate it, but for some reason it's always struck me as far more secularizable than Christmas. Or maybe that's true just in my head....
I think it's very secular.
Edited to add: I've never considered it especially religious in any way.
No one is saying it's Christian, though.
It's not a Christian holiday, although theoretically you are thanking God for whatever. I got confused with all the words in my head trying to get out.
The BF, who is Jewish, has issues with Christmas, but his whole family does Thansgiving. I have never known a Jewish person who didn't celebrate it. Two of the peopke I had T-giving with this year were Buddhist, if that adds to the confusion.
Edited to add: I've never considered it especially religious in any way.
Well, at least in our church, Thanksgiving was a time to give thanks to God, so a somewhat-big deal was made of it.
I thought this:
I've got to say, I think it's annoying that the two big Christian American family holidays are so close together. I just saw all those people!!
was saying Thanksgiving was Christian. Then I missread Jesse's followup.