Ooooo! I'm not familiar with that particular song Vortex, but it just earwormed me with "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo. Muchas gracias.
Up until now I've had a live-and-let-live attitude toward potheads, but no longer. After a 16-hour workday with no dinner, I partook of the joy of waiting behind 8 cars full of stoners at the city's sole open-after-1am drive-thru. People, if you're too wasted to decipher a McDonald's menu and figure out what you want within 5 minutes, you do not need to be driving a car!
Ooooo! I'm not familiar with that particular song Vortex
it's from the XXX soundtrack, by Drowning Pool (whose lead singer was found dead in his bed of natural causes when they were on tour, incidentally)
I love that song, Vortex. Prime krav material.
I love that song, Vortex. Prime krav material.
It's the first song on my workout mix. It's also on the Rugby Mix that I made for a friend (which includes Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit)
speaking of music, ita, I sent you an email about the songs you were looking for (to velvetedge)
::toddles off to e-mail machine::
So, there's no pandemic, there's no proof that it can be transmitted from human to human, and yet we should preemptively spend billions of dollars that we don't have?
Well, we should have stockpiles of antivirals (everyone ELSE has tamiflu), and basic supplies in strategic locations to be distributed in an emergency. And we should certainly up our ability to produce vaccines...
But the "war on" avian flu is just silly since its the same shit the rest of the industrialized world has had in place for several years and we're finally getting a clue because of the Katrina clusterfuck. Just fund it and do your job, a-hole. Don't overfund it and pretend you're a super hero.
Is there one called "Give Me My Review Changes, Bitch, or I'll Bust a Cap in Your Tutorial"?
I loved that song in college!
Jesse, can you snag an underwire from a sucky bra and make Frankenbra?
I did a triple take when I read this until I realized I was mis-reading the last word.
Timelies! Had a great weekend in Maine (and avoided the cray-zee-ness that Nora described per Salem). Finally, a weekend this Autumn where the weather was the opposite of suck-ass. Go team foliage (and there was still some pretty left).
Oh dear. Just read MMs post in press. {{{{{AIMEE!!!}}}}}
I do not know the different meanings of the dashes. the client had sent us text with two dashes in one place. I think we used an en-dash. I could not care less, but I will make sure it is ok with the client before the day is over.
I am running out now to get a bagel with cream cheese and tomato and possibly a salad.