Laura, XM programming guide may help you navigate your TV music. Our TV recently switched to XM, too -- but the numbers are a little different (like, U-POP is Channel 29 on XM, but 24 on our TV).
If you like '60s music, I highly recommend Phlash Phelps' morning show. A little of his shtick goes a long way, but he relies almost exclusively on requests -- and his listeners know the obscure oldies.
Thanks Fred. I almost tuned to the 60's channel today. I'll have to check out the morning show. They do have more channels than they used to, which suits my need for variety, but the channel names are annoying.
Looking at the programming guide. "The Fish" equals Christian Pop hits. Duh.
Hee. "The Joint" equals Reggae. Now that's funny.
Theo, I KEA, was a little hellish. We waited almost an hour for my stuff to come out from the warehouse, and that was after 30 min in line and navigating the floor.
We have a plan for assembledge tomorrow and hope to be done by early afternoon. We'll see. bed for us = soon.
Shopping on the day after Thanksgiving = my biggest nightmare. Never will happen.
I actually went to the mall this afternoon, and it wasn't too bad. I snagged myself a new winter coat. It's knee-length, black, and rather Cossacky in appearance.
it's nice to be a Jew dont have to worry bout the Christmas stuff. Just a few Channukah presents for the neice and nephew.
I am dreading the x-mas shopping this year.
...stupid family of breeders...
Just kidding. In case any family member is lurking....
Hey, mucifer!
Aside from some grocery shopping, I achieved very little today. But that's OK....
Hi Theodosia! I worked 9am til 730pm. tired now.