Timelies! My T-Day was spent with Emily, TomW and Nora and Nora's Mom over in their Salem condo, and it was outstanding. Plus they made special cowfree dressing and mashed potatoes for me which was delicious and a big treat! Plus we played Scrabble (which I lost at badly). Then drove Miss Emily home, came in and collapsed without even getting on the computer, so you know how tired I was!
Now I'm trying to decide whether to attempt the 8:30 AM yoga class....
Tom! Is that cranberry-orange relish on your plate? That's what I make!
Yes! My brother-in-law made it.
Also, I seem to be at work right now. What's up with that?
Yummy leftover dressing for breakfast. I made about 5 times more food than required and look forward to the leftovers.
I do have to work, but I am about to run out the door and forward the office phone to my cell phone. I'd try again to do it remotely, but it never seems to work right. Also need to stop and buy a bunch of those Glad containers for leftovers!
I know it was hours ago, but Herah! I haven't seen you in forever. Sorry about the napkins. I have no useful advice on cranberry stains.
No work today for me. Post-turkey collapse is more like it.
It's 13F degrees out - what's up with that? I must have done something to piss off Mr. Heatmiser. I am debating braving the cold to go to McDonnalds for breakfast.
That is just gross Tom (both the work and the cold). ita and I are awake, and computering, but no one else is yet.
I wonder what time the espresso bar opens.
Herah was here!!!!
::waves at the space where Herah was::
I'm not sure what the Cook's Illustrated tally was for us yesterday. Definitely the pancakes we started the morning out with. And I know I saw recipe printouts floating around.
I'm not sure what the Cook's Illustrated tally was for us yesterday.
I got no pancakes.
I think I need cupcakes to make up for it.