What's the weather like there?
Well, on Monday it was (relatively) autumn-y, with around 50-60F, I guess (I'm not so good with the converting), and lots of wind and rain. Today it's all back to the different kind of autumn, with something around the 75-85, all sun and dry.
We practically never get temperatures as low as yours. Maybe in Jerusalem or up north (um, "up" again in Israeli standards, so not that far up), in mid-winter. Here, around the center and relatively close to the beach, things are milder winter-wise.
I hope peope will be around today to keep me from going out of my mind at work.
I saw
Walk the Line
last night. It was okay. The performances were good but the singing kept pulling me out of the movie.
I'll be here on and off until about 1:30 or so central time.
I'll be puttering around the house, icing a cake, doing some cleaning, writing some fanfic, stuff like that.
At the moment, I'm savoring my coffee and doing my morning internet rounds.
This one's for Hec. Cat news:
Happy Thanksgiving Observant Buffistas.
Thanksgiving-Observant Buffistas. Don't want to wish unearned happiness to those sly Canadians now. I see through your plan.
HEY!! We deserve all the happiness we can weasel out of you. 'Cause were the nicest country.
I was backpacking long ago, travelling from Montreal with a Canadian friend across North Africa. She had a long-standing issue with Americans (mostly) who tagged on a Canadian flag onto their luggage so they'd be treated more nicely.
That was the summer of the Kahnawake (sp?) fiasco where someone was trying to extend a golf course onto sacred land, and there were big guns, and a standoff, and then another friend had just mentioned that South Africans officials had at one point travelled to Canada for apartheid tips, so I just looked at her funny, but, you know, you guys have good PR, and who doesn't have skeletons?
However, if you're that nice, you shouldn't bogart the happiness on this oh-so-special USian day.
C'mon, you can tell me, you guys just crammed it in before Christmas for an extra day off, right?
No, we crammed it in before Christmas to have an extra two days off. Why else would it be celebrated on a Thursday?
And Canadians have Thanksgiving, just not today.