Yeah. I thought it was really FG. He was and Diane Farr was too. And the show itself was like Barney Miller but nasty. It should not have been cancelled so fast.
IIRC, it was conceived as a short-run project to begin with, but I don't remember if it got a full run even so.
Perkins, I got like 8 million CDs in the mail!! THANK YOU!!
Hee. It was only 7 million!
WHEE! I need to bake pies tonight, I guess it is early enough for me to chill for a while. I am uploading music RIGHT NOW AIFG!!!
Also? watching Ellen from the last two weeks.
I just had to do try to do a research request for someone in NY on a corporate thing that I know nothing about (and both times I have tried to ask questions to learn about them, I have been told "oh we just let the corporate librarians handle those" which is fine until the corporate librarians aren't there) and I didn't find anything and now I don't know if I didn't find anything because there was nothing to find or because I am a BIG DUMMY.
Hate that
I think you mean THEY are a big dummy.
And? If it's so freaking important, they shouldn't have left it until the afternoon before Thanksgiving.
Has anyone here ever had ginger wine?
My food issues killed Natter and Bitches?