Opinion round-up:
I liked Leary until I heard Bill Hicks. What I have seen of Izzard is... fine. Cranberries suck. Potatoes rule. Except for sweet potatoes. And gravy is a fantastic excuse to eat more biscuits.
Oh, and good pot pie is a very good thing indeed, but when there is a great risk that they'll wind up being slimy, which... ick.
I have both Izzard and Leary love.
It's nice and cold here. I caught Owen blowing on the picture window and then licking off the condensation. Ew.
All I have to do for tomorrow is pack for me & O. And remember to leave money for the dogsitter.
Happy Thanksgiving, Msbelle!
I could't get the Mexican place to answer, so I went for a pulled pork sandwich and cajun fries. Very good, but full now.
Happy Thanksgiving, Msbelle!
I'm baking cupcakes!!11!!
I like Leary, but he can sometimes make me a little @@. I like him better when he's calmly building to something with the "You're shitting me." look than his all out "This stuff makes me so insane, I'm going to prance around the stage exaggeratedly mimicing what it is that pisses me off."
I want Izzard to party with, make out with, and snark on people with in both French and German. Sometimes I find him amusing, other times I can't stop laughing- and am laughing about it now. Mice reenacting The Italian Job, and Evil Ducks.
I'm also a huge fan of Lewis Black's apoplectic delivery.
Yeah, that's true.
I showed my mom "No Cure For Cancer" and she just said "My god, his poor wife!" although she chuckled some.
And she does like "Rescue Me" a lot.
(I confess to some curiosity about Mrs. Leary since she said that, though.)
Ah, Lewis Black. Do you think it would bother him if I told him I liked him because I felt so comparatively calm afterward?
He is right on a lot, too, though, imo.