The new issue of People mag, on stands Friday, reports that Tom reveals that he and Katie Holmes will actually wed after their baby is born–possibly next summer or early fall–but no date is set yet!
The star also revealed that he bought his own sonogram machine so he can follow the baby’s progress. According to People, a sonogram actually costs anywhere between $15,000 to $200,000! Tom also says once he and Katie’s bundle of joy is born, he will donate the machine to a hospital.
Laura must have watched
Dressed to Kill.
Do I want a hamburger or Mexican food or Jack in the Box for lunch?
May I say that we are having Thanksgiving dinner with the star of
Dressed to Kill,
our Friend Keith? 'Cause we are.
was for Tom and Katie and the sonogram machine.
I think Gud is right, so off I go.
I think Denis Leary is funny. But then I'm not an asshole.
(funniest moment of stand-up ever, not by Richard Pryor, is Leary talking about explaining to Sister Immaculata that his kid got the Asshole Song from him and it's a work thing.)
But Dressed To Kill made me not breathe in some places so obviously Izzard is also the dog's bollocks.
Opinion round-up:
I liked Leary until I heard Bill Hicks. What I have seen of Izzard is... fine. Cranberries suck. Potatoes rule. Except for sweet potatoes. And gravy is a fantastic excuse to eat more biscuits.
Oh, and good pot pie is a very good thing indeed, but when there is a great risk that they'll wind up being slimy, which... ick.