Here's a kind of crazy story, especially after last night's Bones: [link]
That's fascinating. And re: Bones
whoa. I wonder if the ep was based on this case. Obviously not the "Wait no maybe he really is guilty of things," but the untested pubic hair is an odd coinky-dink.
This was submitted by a friend!
Aaaand Go Fug Yourself was updated this morning. Woo!
Aaaand Go Fug Yourself was updated this morning. Woo!
Whoa! Jon Favreau has gotten large and neckless. And Vince Vaughn is puffy and bloated. This is what happens with the swinging lifestyle.
I'd still take his digits.
I am totally crashing and totally cranky. Coffee has been no help. I almost threw a hissy fit on the phone because the friend I am seeing a movie with tonight has already seen Good Night and Good Luck, which I want to see. I should probably go home instead and stay away from the people.
And now is the time on Sprockets when we laugh uproariously at the people submitting last-minute emergency requests, who then send me additional e-mails requesting that I notify other people when the work is done, because they're leaving the office early.
Yeah, I'll get on that right away, Sparky.
OMG Shrift, my Urge to Kill is rising for you.
OMG Shrift, my Urge to Kill is rising for you.
It's all good. I'm over the Hill of Rage and cruising into the Valley of Pointing and Laughing.