Ruby will be fine, Allyson, and love you forever once you get back (except for a possible I hate you period which will last about 5 minutes).
Bizarrely, I am ahead of schedule. My suuitcase is in my car, everything else is ready, and I don't have to leave for about 20 minutes.
I can't believe I have to leave before Ellen gets to New York's smallest apartments,
OMG can someone tape this for me? This. Sounds. Awesome. (and I bet mine is smaller)
Aw, Burrell, I wish i had time to get my key to you. My tub is clean, I got a supply of LUSH, you could take a kid vacation and have a bubble bath at my place for the price of giving my kitty fresh water.
Allyson, do you have a trusted shop-keeper in the neighborhood you could leave an envelope with? Or is that just a New York thing?
The bubble bath would have been bonus.
What's up with your neighbor not coming home anyway? I have a vague memory of a life when that sort of thing happened, crashed on a friend's couch, etc. But it's been a long time.
What's on that list?
It's a mix of comedy, angry, soothing, and happy songs. For example:
Deftones, "Lucky You"
OK Go, "It's a Disaster"
David Bowie, "Rebel Rebel"
Morphine, "Sharks"
Pixies, "Something Against You"
They Might Be Giants, "Particle Man"
Of Montreal, "Chrissie Kiss The Corpse"
Moxy Früvous, "My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors"
The Gaskets, "This Is Your Proverbial Life"
Seether, "Fuck It"
All you Dallas haters make me sad.
Not my fault. I'm a Saints fan.
Oh. My. GAWDS! The little 5 yr. old of one of the DJs at the radio station came in my office, as she often does. She asked me when my birthday was, and I told her Saturday, November 26, and of course she asked how old I'll be, and I told her 30 and that I'm 29 right now, and she's all ""and then you'll be 31, and 32, 33, 34, 35 and pretty soon you'll be 100!"
I'd have strangled her if she weren't adorable.
I'm a work and really don't want to be. Our office closes at 12:30, but I won't be leaving until 2 because I have class at 3 and there's absolutely not point in going home before class (it's in the wrong direction).
And, it snowed last night!
Allyson, do you have a trusted shop-keeper in the neighborhood you could leave an envelope with? Or is that just a New York thing?
Oh hells yeah. My corner liquor store is rocking at that sort of thing. But I'm leaving, and I think Ruby will be okay. Tim talked me off the ledge.
Tim talked me off the ledge.
Well, it's nice to know he doesn't always shove those we love off of it.
Ruby will be fine.
Here's a kind of crazy story, especially after last night's Bones: [link]
Well, it's nice to know he doesn't always shove those we love off of it.
Nice in that Allyson is fine (and we like that), but a bit disillusioning. Its like finding out about Santa if Santa were prone to offing the 'nice' list for sweeps.