One year growing up in New Jersey, I noticed that every single church in town suddenly had a religious school, when only the Catholic church had one before.
Years later, I realized it was because NJ had passed a (the first in the country?) mandatory sex education law.
tommy, I have access to Nexis and Science is part of that. Which issue/articles do you want and I can email them to you.
I don't know much about the religious homeschooling, but almost all the site I found for assistance were religious in nature. And they had some great resources.
You know really we should avoid teaching the wacko religious kids about teh sex because they're just going to go and reproduce if we do.
What all y'all said is what I meant by the varying definitions of "sucks" -- schools can suck for a given kid for any number of reasons -- too easy, too hard, mean kids. etc.
The spelling bee champion kids are usually homeschooled, aren't they? So they can really focus on the spelling.
And the religious issues, same thing -- maybe it's evolution, maybe you don't want your kid in a co-ed class, etc., etc.
You know really we should avoid teaching the wacko religious kids about teh sex because they're just going to go and reproduce if we do
Laura is my latest deity. Sorry, Matt.
Thanks, ChiKat!
If you go here [link] it's the six main articles in
magazine (not the stuff in STKE, etc). So, "Neuroscience: Systems-Level Brain Development," etc.