On a Friday, all bets are off. Let the kid stay up late, and you may be able to sleep late.
I'm really hoping this works later on. Right now, I've got one that is determined to wake up at 6 a.m. no matter what time I put him down. Freakin' little early bird. I have no idea where he gets it. I'm not a morning person and neither is DH.
Gus! What's up in Wisconsin?
Which reminds me - I should call my parents.
As opposed to someone who fainted and hit her head, he meant.
You're not sneaking around and boxing or anything, are you? Just checking.
You're not sneaking around and boxing or anything, are you? Just checking.
Before breakfast.
I mean, if I ate breakfast.
Gus! What's up in Wisconsin?
The usual jack-all. There is a new Walmart Superstore nearby. Banner headline for the local rag.
There is a new Walmart Superstore nearby.
That's the important thing the money gets spent on? Say it ain't so.
I know a family that homeschools and everyone goes to bed at 11pm. The father gets up at whatever normal am and goes to work and everyone else sleeps in until 10, then gets up and does school and stuff. The kids are 8, 5, and 2. It could work great if you a) wanted to homeschool (personally I would rather be beaten about the head and shoulders) and b) were a serious night person.