Whee! I found even more bulbs. Sad that when the first bulb went out it took its friend with it. But there were hardy survivors, and my living room is lit once more.
Went to the acupuncturist, who adjusted my neck with a hammer. Which is
He had me in that face-forward chair, looked at my upper spine and said "Whoa. This is way messed up." and I replied "Weird, I was at the chiro just last week." He adjusted it, had me sit up, checked it again, and found I'd managed to throw my neck out with just that one moment.
He also asked if I'd realised my neck was in spasm. Sure! The neuro had told me on Thursday. I really can't feel these things anymore. Apparently I currently have the upper back of someone who's been beaten about the head and neck, with the misalignments and the spasmy spasms.
On a Friday, all bets are off. Let the kid stay up late, and you may be able to sleep late.
You know, I had never thought of that. I will try to be less judgemental of the parents out with their little kids at all hours. But only on the weekend.
suddenly , my neck and sholders feel stiff
Apparently I currently have the upper back of someone who's been beaten about the head and neck, with the misalignments and the spasmy spasms.
Crap! I was going to go see Good Night and Good Luck at 5. But I got distracted.
As opposed to someone who fainted and hit her head, he meant.
On a Friday, all bets are off. Let the kid stay up late, and you may be able to sleep late.
I'm really hoping this works later on. Right now, I've got one that is determined to wake up at 6 a.m. no matter what time I put him down. Freakin' little early bird. I have no idea where he gets it. I'm not a morning person and neither is DH.
Gus! What's up in Wisconsin?
Which reminds me - I should call my parents.