That situation was not at all funny for the kids or the adults, but damn, why did I burst out in laughter for a solid 5 minutes at your story?
Man. I think a fucking free coupon would not have been enough. BTW, wouldn't the parents have thought something was fucked up when they didn't get previews for a Disney flick before the movie?
No wonder Chicken Little's box office receipts aren't great.
I've been sitting around in my pjs for 3 hours. Someone tell me to go get showered and dressed.
Is it an outlet that is controlled by a wall switch? Hey, that's fooled me before.
Yeah, that's happened to me before, too.
Happy happy to Jessica.
The next-door neighbors did home improvements for MONTHS because they were selling the house. The house sold. Ah, sweet relief.
WRONG. Because the new buyer apparently dislikes all the home renovation and is redoing it. Loudly. Under my bedroom window. There appears to be major sanding, hammering, and deconstruction going on, and I don't mean Foucalt.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Right there with you, Betsy. I don't even know what in the hell the neighbors are doing but it just got quiet and I realized how loud it really was... The silence is just wow. And not total silence, just normal sounds.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Betsy, it's a lovely day. I recommend relocating elsewhere.
I recommend relocating elsewhere.
But I LURVE the Bay Area.
Out to do groceries.
I ended up taking a rather longer drive than I intended to on my way to the bank, because the route I knew was closed for paving, of all things. And the local police didn't do anything like set up DETOUR signs, oh no. So I drove through mysterious streets of one-ways and dead ends, missed my turn back onto the main street after the paving ended and wandered some more, including through a cemetary and a golf course.
During my drive I happened upon what may be the most unfortunate name for a business
at least in my own personal experience. It was so new that it still had a "Grand Opening" sign on the storefront. It was a sun-tanning parlor... named "Blisters."
As God is my witness, I am not making this up.