So am I at work or at home? It would be so much better if I'd just finish my work, and then I could say I was at home and stop feeling guilty at diddling around. But, no. Ah, sweet procrastination.
This is why I don't think I could work from home or be my own boss. I am far too lazy and not not nearly self-motivated enough.
I'm working from home right now. It's going okay.
ita, your tag is one of Em's favorite songs.
I am far too lazy and not not nearly self-motivated enough.
I am lazy, but I am strongly motivated by fear. Like, fear of the IRS swooping down on me. Or fear of going under. Or fear of becoming lost under an avalanche of unfiled receipts. Although that last one, it appears isn't all that strong a motivator.
I can work from home once in a while, but not full-time.
hey, ita, I just mailed you.
ita, your tag is one of Em's favorite songs.
Boy, she knows a lot more at that age than I did. I guess kids really DO grow up faster these days.
I am home biding time until I have to go get a mammogram. Luckily, it's only a few blocks away.
Oh, and I could TOTALLY work from home if only someone would pay me to do so, and if by "work" you mean surfing the internet and snacking.