I am far too lazy and not not nearly self-motivated enough.
I am lazy, but I am strongly motivated by fear. Like, fear of the IRS swooping down on me. Or fear of going under. Or fear of becoming lost under an avalanche of unfiled receipts. Although that last one, it appears isn't all that strong a motivator.
I can work from home once in a while, but not full-time.
hey, ita, I just mailed you.
ita, your tag is one of Em's favorite songs.
Boy, she knows a lot more at that age than I did. I guess kids really DO grow up faster these days.
I am home biding time until I have to go get a mammogram. Luckily, it's only a few blocks away.
Oh, and I could TOTALLY work from home if only someone would pay me to do so, and if by "work" you mean surfing the internet and snacking.
With deliverables, stuff gets done. At my last job, I worked from home for almost a straight month, and aside from lack of ergonomics, shit got done, yo.
I am still at work, but I will be leaving v. soon.
Typically, I am too lazy to work from home, but occassionally, it would be nice to not be interrupted every 10 minutes.
Randomly, a friend called me at work today to tell me that a cat (that I do not know) belonging to a person (that I do not know) is possibly dying. And, she expected me to be sad about it. Is it heartless of me that I wasn't?
eta: If I knew either the cat or the person, I would be, but as it is, I kinda feel bad for the person, but I just can't get sad about it.
Is it heartless of me that I wasn't?
Yes. On the other hand, I looked at a normally cheerful woman yesterday and scowled "What's wrong with you? Did your kitten die or something???" to which she replied "Yes, we had to have him put down."
See? You're the nice one around here.
See? You're the nice one around here.
does the I'm the nice one dance
Boy, she knows a lot more at that age than I did. I guess kids really DO grow up faster these days.
I don't have any kids song CD's and I hate am radio so the CD we listen most often is the 2004 Grammy Nominees. That song is on it. The clean one.
She's started to dance and she dances to the songs she knows and that's one of them.