All I was trying to say was [*we interrupt this post in the interests of common sense. The poster obviously has no idea how to say what he intends or explain the complexities of what he feels, thinks, or thinks he feels. For the common good we have stepped in to overwrite his rambling, nonsensical and, frankly, inadvertently offensive justification of his prior post to instead present this surreal joke:
Q. Why couldn't Bob go through the revolving door?
A. Because he had a javelin through his skull.
We now return you to the inane post nearing its end. Thank you.
This has been a Public Service by the More Discreet Part of Miracleman's Brain. Yes, the More Discreet part. Frightening, isn't it?*] with a platypus up his ass!
That's all I meant.
No, it's the inability to not run your mouth.
That's the part I like about him.
That's all I meant.
A masterpiece of discretion. Or concision. Or eloquence. Or who knows what, but anything that ends "...with a platypus up his ass!" has got to be a masterpiece of
or the word has lost all meaning.
Thank you, JZ. As long as that clears everything up.
Argh. I just ordered a ridiculous amount of Greek food, but much of it was unsatisfying. I will hope it is better tomorrow.
I assumed it was because of the constant experimenting on them to further my plan for world domination. I guess I was wrong.
You must be, because Clovis does that, but has lots and lots of friends.
picks up skirts and runs away
Ok, I want a bike.
And I want to take Em riding in a baby seat.
I can not seem to find a helmet.
Anyone else able to find them?