What's funny is playing board games with Allyson and Polgara because Allyson gets all, 'Aw, who gives a shit." then she ends up winning, as happened with Risk.
I'm super competitive so I try not to place myself in situations where I have to compete becuase I don't take losing well. and I'll cheat. AND FOR THE RECORD ZED IS SO NOT A WORD. It's the name of a letter. Thank you.
ita, I had an EEG once and it was not fun. I had to stay up the whole night before because I was supposed to sleep through the test. They had to scrape the skin on my scalp to attatch the electrodes and it hurt like hell.
When I used to smoke, I liked the smell. Since I quit, I've found it increasingly more and more nasty. Unless, I just happen to be next to someone who is just lighting up. The smell of the cigarette before it starts to cling to fabric and hair, the first virgin tendril, reminds me that I used to love it.
Heh. I think I'm not super competitive (but boy howdy, do I like to be right) because....I don't like to be wrong. So I solve the problem by not investing.
Um, I'm sure I've been told, but what are Underwear Gnomes?
Thanksgiving is going to rock.
My in-laws are board games fiends. Thanksgiving and Christmas, out come the Aggrivation board. Once I decided to bypass sending someone back to the beginning in order to get farther along the board, and you'd think I'd just shot the dog. The point wasn't to win but to make sure somebody else didn't win.
I misspoke, it's actually Underpants Gnomes.
The Cursed Internet Boggle: [link]
If I weren't on Blackberry I'd google the "blood is life" speech and sub in Scrabble.
OK, this reminds me of a thing I've been thinking about: How people's internet use is going in two totally different directions -- "everyone" has broadband, so we want websites with videos on them and shit, but at the same time, "everyone" is getting Blackberries and whatnot, so they want stripped down sites. Am I right about this? What is The Industry doing about it?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Instead of filling in an org chart in a pathetic imitation of a critical path thingy for my project management class.
And some of us tech fossils are still on dialup.
Go stripped down!
Underpant Gnomes
Thank you. No cable (see above) so I see why I would fly over my head.