The Cursed Internet Boggle: [link]
If I weren't on Blackberry I'd google the "blood is life" speech and sub in Scrabble.
OK, this reminds me of a thing I've been thinking about: How people's internet use is going in two totally different directions -- "everyone" has broadband, so we want websites with videos on them and shit, but at the same time, "everyone" is getting Blackberries and whatnot, so they want stripped down sites. Am I right about this? What is The Industry doing about it?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Instead of filling in an org chart in a pathetic imitation of a critical path thingy for my project management class.
And some of us tech fossils are still on dialup.
Go stripped down!
Underpant Gnomes
Thank you. No cable (see above) so I see why I would fly over my head.
Ahrg! Mustaches on CSI. Mustaches in bad places!
And some of us tech fossils are still on dialup.
Hence the quotes around "everyone." I meant the "everyone" that most designers design for.
Yeah, I was just bemoaning the lack of a market that exists for me. Mainly it is laziness, rather than any sort of principle.
Poor me, too lazy to stay modern!
OK, Bizarro!OC-meets-Top Gun makes me laugh.
OK, Bizarro!OC-meets-Top Gun makes me laugh.
Oh dear. I have it on tape. Tomorrow, maybe.
That's really not a spoiler, but you'll see what I'm talking about.
Kat if you want a game in which letters have no names, you should make it up. It seems a bit of a naked place, though.
I don't mind the lack of bandwidth on the blackberry-my expectations are well adjusted. It's the lack of multiple browser windows and a pointing device that get me. Makes me need to type in URLs more. The PDA has the pointing, but no keyboard, and still the single browser window. Makes my experience more hyperlinkear.