Don't smoke in the trunk. The ventilation is crap.
I wonder if I can call the co-worker Johnny Fairplay without outing myself as a big old b-board surfer. Well, he can kinda see over my shoulder anyway. He knows I'm not working.
Saw the neuro. Not that much progress, really. Except to extend the possibility of the post-concussive syndrome lasting to a year. Girl on crack, yo.
Christ -- one of my krav students works at the neuro. Might even be one of the doctors. World could stand to be bigger.
Anyway, there's nothing they can do for the heart-rate induced nausea, headaches and dizziness. Almost could, but the non-FDA approved usage of Effexor for this might conflict with the migraine meds, and I have my priorities. She wants me on anti-epileptic prophylactic meds, in case the fainting is seizures, and I need to get an EEG.
Apropos of nothing, the clouds outside my office window right now are amazing. Chrysler Building + golden hour = BEAUTIFUL.
(I took a picture with my camera phone, but it didn't come out -- they sky was completely blown out.)
I am cursing, I'll curse on your behalf ita. Sorry they didn't give you anything good definitive.
Thanks. I have an acupuncture appointment set up for Saturday. Time to give the Orient a swing at my noggin.
Let's cross our fingers!
Bad enough to have a 4:00 meeting. Worse when boss schedules something else and fails to send a cancellation.
EEGs are good. Finding out for sure whether you're having seizures, also good. Prospect of puzzling your way through medication conflicts, less good. Heart-rate induced symptoms, not good int he slightest.
You know, I sometimes keep a little list in my head for all the craxy things my body does to me, so I can recite them off to my doctor next time I go (January). But, they are things like "annoying bone spur in foot" and "scaly patches of skin" and "ways to improve bad back" and "excessive snot on more days than not," and never cross that threshold into Call The Doctor Now. I am pretty lucky.
Heck, if kissing frogs would work....
But not those hallucinogenic poison ones. Those would definitely not help.
That snot funny.
Sorry. That one is coded in me. Dad drags it out every chance he gets.
It would be really satisfying to put my foot through some drywall about now. Except that would rather damage my shoes, so no.
It's funny, the odd piddly little things that turn me into a psycho. I can nonfrothily discuss tyranny, oppression, politics and human cruelty but my god, you give me a crappy website and tell me I have to use it, and suddenly I'm a raving lunatic. Ditto leafblowers, city buses driving, and my apartment management.
I continue to worry about ita in a completely useless across the country way. Also continue to be available for theraputic venting. and, of course, continue to cherish.
sara continues to be a cutiehead no matter what she says.
Allyson continues to be smart, funny, pretty, and competent despite what her head is telling her.