The nice thing about voting early in the morning is you don't have to take any of the flyers being handed out on the subway -- "I already voted" will make them leave you alone.
They don't give you an "I voted today" sticker to prevent that? Owen's wearing mine on his sweatshirt right now.
But the anus is holy!
Would rimming, then, be an act of veneration?
They don't give you an "I voted today" sticker to prevent that?
Years ago I stuck mine on my roomate's Cylon action figure.
I have to say -- Coffee Bean has a great Chai Latte. It's even better unsweetened.
I am afraid to go to the restroom and see what it's done to my thighs.
first time I've voted in Salem!
Go team community, Nora!
Hides face in shame for not bothering to vote this time around.
In other news, it looks like I may have an acid reflux connected throat disorder called globus that makes it feel like I'm choking/gagging on (lately fairly frequent) occasions. We'll see what's the what for real when I visit my referred ENT.
Oh well, gotta be better than having Golan-Globus in your throat.
bah dum BUM!
Thanks, you've been great! Try the veal.
an act of veneration?
It rhymes with 'penetration'.
No reason, just thought it needed to be said.
We have all kinds of confusing propositions like: should we fuck with teachers? Should we fuck with redistricting? Should we fuck with unions? Should we fuck with teenage girls getting abortions without telling their parents?
Basically, I have to haul my ass to the polls to say, "no, I don't want you to fuck with shit, Ahnold, and please reimburse us for the expense of the special election, asswipe."
I voted on my way to work - I'd forgotten how ridiculously terrific it is that my polling place is
in our parking garage lobby.
I voted really really hard against all of the governor's pet propositions, and furiously hard against Prop 73 (I'm sad, though, that our home phone didn't end up on erika's No-on-73 list; not that either of us needed any convincing, but it would've been an uber-cool coincidence.)
Also, reason #6,875 why I love my church: In the parish bulletin for the last couple of weeks, there's been a running reminder that everyone has to go out and vote, along with a notice of the social justice committee's recommendations on the state propositions - no on all of Schwartzenegger's pets, yes on the good drug-prescription prop, no on the bad one, and no position on 73.
Hmmm, I am a bad voter -- I have no idea what, if anything, is being voted on today.
I have to say -- Coffee Bean has a great Chai Latte. It's even better unsweetened.
Wait, they can do that? Where is this "Coffee Bean"?
They don't give you an "I voted today" sticker to prevent that? Owen's wearing mine on his sweatshirt right now.
I usually put mine on the dog.