Aimee, how are you?
It's the thought that counts, and it's sweet she thought of me...only I'm not really sure it was me she was thinking of.
Re: GA spoiler thing, it did say something like
"a character we've seen before," so now I'm going nurse or some other random minor character. As long as they don't promo it like the "ONE OF THEIR OWN" death on 90210,
I'm fine with that.
Jesse, did your graph turn out OK? Was it in a pretty color?
Aimée, welcome back.
I can only print in black and white, but it's full of nice straight lines, and really, what more could I ask for?
Welcome back, Aimee!
Good Morning Natter!
Interesting discovery of the morning, whitefonted for Jilli and others,
Ozzie and Perkins the cats are afraid of big ucky spiders that are stalking around near their food bowls.
Excuse me while I go hide in bed for a while.
Matt, your selflessness is admirable, depending on how cute or corruptible those scions are. I say go in health.
Your cats are wusses, Perkins.
Of course, one of mine is so lazy, he can't be arsed to care about such things. If he ever managed to kill anything, it would be by rolling over on it.
Guess who forgot her lunch today? Guess!
it's full of nice straight lines, and really, what more could I ask for?
Polka dots and curvy lines in different directions! At least, that's what I put in a graph for a friend last week. She needed histograms in black-and-white, and no matter how I played with the colors, they still looked too similar. So she ended up with some very cheerful graphs. Which even met her needs, so, hey, why not.
That's funny Perkins, my cats love
I think they try to play with them, but always end up killing them. Then, they eat them.
I think if Tennessee ends up voting for a defense of marriage type amendment, I'm going to take it as license to begin embroiling the sons of state legislators in sex scandals, guilt-free.
Who needs license? I say do it for the fun!