Wasn't Merry Maids one of the companies in Nickle and Dimed?
I rather hope not since I used them for a while and they aren't the cheapest service out there. Given that I was having it done while we were both (at the time) gone at work and we couldn't find any good personal recs, I demanded the bonded and insured parts.
They always did a really good job.
The press calls it a vote to ban gay marriage, which, I mean we don't have same sex marriage here anyway. No this goes further, it says that only a man and a woman can get any of the legal benefits.
I read about that one when I was out thataway. I think the fist shaking and "not nice" are exactly how you should vote. Also check the box though, just to be sure. Meanies.
Who wants a cute puppy story?
So, Oz is a teeny, but enthusiastic little puppy. Usually this results in his teeny body enthusiastically, but harmlessly, hurtling into things. Mr. Jane and I both got home tired from work this evening, and decided pizza was the thing. So we're watching tv, when suddenly the bubbe (Oz) leaps into the air several feet and launches into the door which flies open to reveal a startled pizza man with bubbe standing proudly on his feet as if to say "PIZZA!"
I'll bet he was startled, Daisy.
I'm sitting here wondering what's the likelihood that my daughter will wake up if I go into the kitchen and heat up the last wee piece of blueberry pie. I'm thinking it's worth the risk.
Startled, but charmed, or at least I assume he was since he told us we had to give the dogs a piece.
That is a cute puppy story. Catching the pizza guy is way better than bring home dead mice or birds.