Damn, Kristen -- shall we start a group home for the intermittently able?
I wonder if ita is contagious with the fainting? Kristen, I hope you're feeling better!
George is George. I like him when he's competent otherwise I kinda want to walk all over him, which isn't an appeal factor for me.
So, what I really should have done earlier was ask Nilly for her help with my graphs.... Is there any good/easy way to draw super simple graphs with regular MS Office? I literally just need x and y axis and one straight line, and excel wants me to be doing something different than I am, apparently.
It's really easy with Excel. What are you trying?
Oh, and there's a panel of House of M #8 I want to marry. Is that possible? Can that be arranged?
I have two sets of numbers that should really be the coordinates of the line, but Excel wants them to be two separate lines.
I think I'm just going to draw the damn thing with a pen. No big deal.
You don't want me to go into the other room and work it out? Or maybe I could google...
Really, I just have to draw a total of like six straight lines. I think that'll take less time.
Krycek! Is this disaster movie supposed to be a comedy? 'Cause I keep laughing.
You can feel free to try, if it makes you happy. The chapter is about utility, anyway, which is all about your happiness.
Yeah, pretty much. My Australian Shepherd used to try to herd anything he could - bugs, mice, toddlers...
I knew a Sheltie once who would herd the trees in his (owners') backyard. They all had little rings around them where he'd worn paths.
[eta that the closest my family's Springer Spaniel ever got to hunting was bringing us the occasional dead possum. She wasn't very bright.]