I ::heart:: Keith
I'm around half-way through with the first season of VM (it was broadcasted in an Israeli cables channel, and a good friend fell so deeply in love with the show, she said she had to tape it and make me watch it so that she'll have someone to discuss it with), and I just like his character more and more with each episode.
The only other place I've ever seen this actor in was "Galaxy Quest" (it took me a little forever to identiey him from the movie, too).
[Edited to wave at Kristin. Is the semester flowing smoothly now, after all the holidays are over?]
also he is more age appropriate for me, so hands off!
If I don't get to use this argument
with ita
you don't get to use it on me!
But, not to worry, it's not porny-love. We can each love him in our own way.
t waving at Nilly and Debet
Alas, nsm. School has resumed a more normal schedule, yes, but grades are due in a couple of weeks, which is stress-making. I also just found out that I have to find a new place and move before the end of the month.
Yay for good geek fun, Nilly!
Espresso martini!
I can do that! Yum!
tommy, sadly I was wondering where the nightmare part was ... but then I got to gun in cheek bit. Do you want krav lessons? First one's free.
KristinT, it's all yours...
That sounds awesome, Nilly.
Last year here in town, we had a pack of three rottweilers--they were owned by a doctor--escape their yard and kill a woman. It's certainly tragic but it shows what a thin veneer of domestication there really is with animals.
My cousin had a rottweiler for years (she died recently), and although generally a sweet-tempered dog, she did have a tendency to snap at people unexpectedly and then act contrite afterwards. Once that behavior showed up my cousin had to be very careful about not letting other people try to pet her.
Thanks ita! Shiny new tag...
tommy, sadly I was wondering where the nightmare part was ... but then I got to gun in cheek bit. Do you want krav lessons? First one's free.
Heh. Yeah, I was thinking in the dream that if I knew krav I could have taken the guy's gun away, as he was just some kid without training.
Every so often I have dreams like this. I often wonder in the dream if I should just be passive and hope the guy isn't crazy enough to shoot me, or if I should attack and take the chance of getting shot that way. Often I do attack. Once I killed a guy with a big screwdriver (as I knew he was going to shoot me in a few minutes) by shoving it up under his chin into his brain. That was scary and icky.
I also just found out that I have to find a new place and move before the end of the month.
Good luck with that.
Do you want krav lessons? First one's free.
It's also lots and lots of fun.
t Waves at Hil