So here's a freaky story to wake up to. In one of the suburbs here yesterday, three pit bulls escaped from their home and roamed the neighborhood for about an hour, eventually mauling six people, two of them still in critical condition, before the police were able to track and shoot them. And now I'm sure a lot of you are thinking what I thought, especially since dog fighting is a big problem here. But that's maybe the freakiest part, and why pits always make me a bit uneasy, even as someone who loves big dogs. These weren't fighting dogs - they were pets. When the owner was trying to get them back in, they bit his thumb off before heading off to terrorize the neighborhood. Neighbors are saying they were perfectly nice dogs - everyone is at a loss to explain what the fuck happened. Just a horrifying story.
brenda, everything I've read about dogs says that when they form a pack (even if they're perfectly friendly house pets) that instinct really takes over. I love dogs and I don't descriminate between breeds but I've seen dogs band together and do some pretty bad things.
So, I wake up this morning, and turn on the radio.
There was a tornado in my home town last night. 8 people died. My family has power, and either never lost power or have been home since it came back on. I cannot, however, get in touch with them.
Not super-worrysome, given that it is Sunday and they are likely at Church, but still.
Yikes, abi. 'Ma to your family what must have been a pretty scary night.
Cash, I agree about the pack thing, but I really do class pits separately from other breeds. Either way, a horrific thing to happen, and from all accounts, totally out of the blue.
Cash, I agree about the pack thing, but I really do class pits separately from other breeds. Either way, a horrific thing to happen, and from all accounts, totally out of the blue.
Last year here in town, we had a pack of three rottweilers--they were owned by a doctor--escape their yard and kill a woman. It's certainly tragic but it shows what a thin veneer of domestication there really is with animals. It's the reason I keep my babygates up with non-dog areas of the house for Owen.
Edit--Abi, I hope your family is safe and sound in church this morning and contacts you soon.
::eyes rottweiler curled up on the couch next to me suspiciously::
You know, it's a little hard to be intimidated by a dog who is now asleep on her back with all four legs pointing up into the air.
Hee, brenda. We just bought a new bed (new bed, yay!) and the Biscuit wasted no time in hopping up on it and falling asleep upside down.
I just woke up from a long nightmare where I was trapped in a bar where there were gunmen in a standoff with police (who were outside). Not quite a hostage situation - we just happened to be there and it was too dangerous to leave. At one point one of the gunmen put his gun against my cheek for no reason, then walked away. So I woke up and checked Natter. There must be some bad mojo about.
Hee, brenda. We just bought a new bed (new bed, yay!) and the Biscuit wasted no time in hopping up on it and falling asleep upside down.
Seriously. If she had Xs for eyes I'd've thought she was dead.
Also, yay! New bed!