Good lord, people. Everyone: Feel better and get appropriate amounts of food and rest. OK?
I just had a miraculous experience. I ended up at a bar with a ton of people from school, and they made us have a tab. Because I am a sucker, I took the bill to collect the money. Because I am a BADASS, I got all the money! I think I paid five bucks extra. Because I had no worries about making people tell me what they had, so I could tell them what they owed. It kind of rocked.
I have to work tomorrow. I don't like doing stuff on Fridays!! Isn't this why I'm a student?
See, Jesse, this is why you will always have to take care of the bill!
Saw Daniel Liebeskind on the way home.
I'm usually pretty good at avoiding the bill, because I've been stuck too many times throwing in an extra $20. For one drink. I am totally learning management in grad school.
I can go to sleep happy! Emails from both sisters who are happy and well.
Younger sister will be the first girl to play the Elf in the Santaland diaries and her show (or the one she's in now) will be on some CBS morning show, and youngest sister has a great place and friends in Virginia which she sent pictures of.
I just saw an ad for tomorrow's Ghost Whisperer, and it actually seemed interesting.
Someone help me?
ita -- glad that the potential catastophic failure of the family denial didn't come tumbling down due to you - whew!
er: I know! I totally thought we were getting a
plane or helicopter crash AND John Stamos
tonight. I am disappointed - -particularly when they give us
the death of tiny baby chimp
Perkins, stay far far away from JLH.
er: awwww. I'm not disappointed. It was
the feel good dead baby monkey
episode of the year. Although I am getting a bit bored with
Pratt's drama.
There's been an escalation in the phishing e-mails targeting Paypal customers: [link]
This one "modifies the DNS server of the local workstation and then deletes itself. All future requests for '' will be transparently redirected to a phishing website. This same DNS server could also be used to redirect requests for additional websites, but it currently appears to only redirect ''."
No. No matter who you were, really.
An internet site is offering controversial film maker Vincent Gallo's sperm for sale for $1 million. - which calls itself "the official website for Vincent Gallo merchandise" - includes a detailed agreement whereby wannabe mothers can pay for Gallo to inseminate them by in vitro fertilization (IVF) or even naturally for an extra $500,000, a fee it alleges he will waive if he deems the woman attractive enough. The site details the actor/director's physical attributes: "Mr. Gallo is 5 feet 11 inches and has blue eyes. There are no known genetic deformities in his ancestry and no history of congenital diseases. If you have seen The Brown Bunny, you know the potential size of the genitals if it's a boy (eight inches if he's like his father)." It also recommends his sharp features would "blend well with a softer, more subtly featured female."
What's currently amusing me re: phishing is the fact that my U. email address has been published on websites and stuff, so now I'm getting all the phish emails, but I know I've never used that address for anything. Much less some of the "banks" who are URGENTLY trying to contact me!
OH! And speaking of phish -- my friend's stepfather is currently playing drums with Trey Anastasio of Phish fame, and he's all in the new video! It's very exciting -- he's never had a gig this good, and he's like 50. ita and bon bon both saw him perform with a now-defunct band in Michigan with me a few years ago.