The fuckwits at the local podunk hospital (not her doctor or her hospital) did NOT manually check her for dilation--but sent her home. She returned a short while later, fully dilated and delievered a breech, preemie baby girl. The baby's ok and has been transferred to the best NICU in the state. But my cousin got a ruptured uterus out of it.
As someone else said, lawsuit seems like it might be in order--especially if that means the cousin had to have a hysterectomy!!!! (Although glad for her sake that at least it was her third kid and not her first, and it sounds like the baby is OK (Oh, and on catching up, she's OK too. Whew! But still!))
but the short of it is a promotion of me (good right?) but the reaction from my contracts manager has me feeling about 2 inches tall.
YAY promotion of you!! I just got a notice today about three coworkers on my team being promoted (two from my job to a higher title, one from a lower title to my title). It made me v. uncomfy, cause I don't think I'll be being promoted any time soon. Grr.
The class average on the exam was a 70%! So, my 64%? A C!!!!!!!!!!!! Me = thrilled!
Whoot! Go curve, go!
would be considered pretty poor performance for the instructor if that instructor were outside of an educational institution.
Yeah, I never understood in chem classes why it was OK if we were averaging like, 60%, and that was expected. Cause really, shouldn't we be focusing on actually LEARNING the shit? But nooooo....