Can I just say how awesome it is to come in here and spend the morning playing catch up reading about binary, and math geekery, and creation v naturalism as it applies to mathiness?
As an interesting development in one of those subjects. NASA research has recently found an abundance of complex organic molecules in space.
Harvey is currently engaged in expressing to me how very lonely and underappreciated he is. No one ever holds him. I can tell this by the vigor with which he is purring as I hold him. It's like a special treat that he gets to be held for just a few hours each day.
Plei, I'm sorry Lily had such a rough first day at daycare. I have no advice from experience, but I have heard to try many different types of bottles and nipples. My friend's EBF baby refused all "breast-like" nipples, but was happy with the cheapest regular one.
IEllieN, Ellie's having her own rough day. She has been crying almost non-stop today. Sometimes it appears to be a genuine tantrum (like when I leave the room) but other times she just seems really sad. She's on her 4th nap of the day - all she wants to do is nurse with me lying next to her.
Ah, poor Ellie. I hope she starts feeling better.
It's 0/0 where we say, "No no no don't go there, that's the bad place!"
I do adore Emily.
Sorry about Lily's boobie issues, Ellie's ughy feeling and giggling madly over Crawling!Mal. Buffistas make good babies and good stories.
Harvey is currently engaged in expressing to me how very lonely and underappreciated he is. No one ever holds him. I can tell this by the vigor with which he is purring as I hold him. It's like a special treat that he gets to be held for just a few hours each day.
How did Max get to your place, and why are you calling him Harvey?
Poor Ellie! Lillian's in the exersaucer, plotting world domination.
Flea, the milk seems to be fine, so the next step in our plan of attack is, in fact, a sippy cup. The Nuby, to be exact. (It's the one we tried last night with the leftover milk, from which she drank about an ounce and a half.)
I think the full battle plan for tomorrow will be two Nubys and four 2oz bottles with the Second Nature nipple, which we had some luck with in the past. Right now, I've got her playing with a bottle filled with water and topped with the Second Nature to get her used to putting the thing in her mouth. (It doesn't spill, which is a bonus.)
My sister was a bottle refuser. I think she wound up just reversing her cycles and nursing when Mother was home. The lactation consultants at the U (who do not suggest the boob shaped bottle, saying no one they know has had any luck with it) said it can take up to two weeks for them to adjust, but that she won't do herself any long-term harm.
I hope Ellie is feeling better soon.
Good luck getting Lillian to take a bottle.