Deena! I loveses you.
Anne looks gorgeous in her pics. I soooo wish I could do highlights. This going greyh early thing sucks.
drunking fuck am I drunk. Wow.
Glad you hadfun at yhour holiday party, Sail!
MG, I would gladly give yhou a new life, if I could. Except, y0ou have to keep Kbug. She's fabulous.
Meanwhile, today's weigh-in news: I have now lost 22lb. Am VERY VERY chuffed indeed!
t starts Mexican wave
You know, when you're alone, Mexican waves look remarkably like aerobics for people with a middle ear infection.
Hurray for Fay!
Nicole is adorable when she's drunk.
Hi billytea!
Hi everybody! I'm back from Germany! What did I miss?
t follows billytea in the Mexican wave
...which makes us look like two people doing the Chicken Dance.
Raq, I wish. Place won't be ready until mid-week, so I'm in bathroom-less, homeless limbo from tomorrow until then. It will be fine, but a total PITA.
Anyway, more to follow. It is desperately late here, and I really need to get some sleep. Night!
Hi billytea!
Hi Kristin! How's the move?
I was out at a friends birthday party and at quarter to four we went and got Chinese food. I just got home.
This is why we live in New York.
Yay for fay!
Yay for Kristin's place being almost ready!
Welcome home, Raq! How was the trip?