DAMN, that's a lot of gorgeousness!
I think I need some more Fay pictures to make it through the holidays. That's my reward system. Can you help me?
Bwah! You're just the best, Hec. Insh'allah there will be photographs once I've had my hair cut again.
Meanwhile, today's weigh-in news: I have now lost 22lb. Am VERY VERY chuffed indeed! That's 4lb this week, despite some unfortunate food choices and choir performances getting in the way of going to the gym several times. I know that it's going to slow down to 1lb a week before long, so I'm really enjoying this while it lasts.
The iPod is a lovely thing to look forward to, but having my clothes get too big/finding that I can wear clothes I've never been able to fit into? MUCH better as a motivator.
t / weightloss likes carrots.
Deena! I loveses you.
Anne looks gorgeous in her pics. I soooo wish I could do highlights. This going greyh early thing sucks.
drunking fuck am I drunk. Wow.
Glad you hadfun at yhour holiday party, Sail!
MG, I would gladly give yhou a new life, if I could. Except, y0ou have to keep Kbug. She's fabulous.
Meanwhile, today's weigh-in news: I have now lost 22lb. Am VERY VERY chuffed indeed!
t starts Mexican wave
You know, when you're alone, Mexican waves look remarkably like aerobics for people with a middle ear infection.
Hurray for Fay!
Nicole is adorable when she's drunk.
Hi billytea!
Hi everybody! I'm back from Germany! What did I miss?
t follows billytea in the Mexican wave
...which makes us look like two people doing the Chicken Dance.
Raq, I wish. Place won't be ready until mid-week, so I'm in bathroom-less, homeless limbo from tomorrow until then. It will be fine, but a total PITA.
Anyway, more to follow. It is desperately late here, and I really need to get some sleep. Night!
Hi billytea!
Hi Kristin! How's the move?
I was out at a friends birthday party and at quarter to four we went and got Chinese food. I just got home.
This is why we live in New York.