VW, insent with my findings.
Gud, I'm sorry.
Gronk. Think I'm going to have to break down and make coffee. Lillian got spooked by something in her sleep and was up being clingy and crying at 2am, and I have to function enough to bake a cake for my mother's birthday.
Aimee - that was my big frustration too - being inbetween lengths. I'd love to go as short as yours, but DH would have a fit. Even the length I have no is "too short" for him.
I'd love to go as short as yours, but DH would have a fit. Even the length I have no is "too short" for him.
I don't get guys and hair-length obsession (Hec, I don't really include you in that damning statement, and I'll explain why). Most guys who are hair-length obsessed are into long hair, and it's almost creepy, really, because it doesn't matter if the long hair looks good *on that particular woman* -- they stubbornly cling to the long-hair fetish. It's like they don't even consider the woman underneath the hair -- it's the hair itself that matters to them. Which is what's creepy. What's more important, the woman, or the hair? I say: men, if long hair is that important to you, get a fucking wig.
If the long hair looks good, then booyah. Great. But if a shorter cut is more flattering -- don't you want your wife/gf/concubine to look as pretty as possible, overall?
And the same holds true for the short-hair-obsessed (of whom I actually know more than one, believe it or not). However, despite Hec's avowed love of the clippers, he generally seems to get that generic short hair doesn't look good on every woman. It has to be the *right* style, you know? Sometimes that's longer, and sometimes that's shorter.
I had about 7 inches chopped. It's all cropped and short and nape-arific in the back.
::Aimee moves even further up the favorites list::
I had about four inches chopped off!
Ok...It's not seven, but still!
I want to be high on the favorites list!
I don't know, men I know who have been long-hair obsessed like it better because it says girly and soft and relaxed to them. They already think the woman they love is pretty, so "flattering" isn't an issue--more that short hair feels more businesslike or, as friend calls a certain type of haircut "mom hair".
Could just be they like the way long hair feels on skin, the way it looks tossed about, playing with it... stuff like that.
I agree Steph. I think I look better with it shorter than longer. I hide behind the hair when it is longer, so I feel more like I can be ME with it shorter, if that makes any sense.
I have asked and asked and asked DH why he doesn't like short hair - and his response is so un-PC, I can't even write it here. Needless to say, I try to please myself and not piss him off too much.
They already think the woman they love is pretty, so "flattering" isn't an issue
Yeah, but what if they can be *more* pretty?
Could just be they like the way long hair feels on skin, the way it looks tossed about, playing with it... stuff like that.
Then they can buy a wig. My hair is not about some dude's enjoyment.
I don't get guys and hair-length obsession
I heard a joke in a radio ad the other day, which pointedly noted that marriage sucked because then your wife cuts her hair short - with the implication being that she's no longer sexually desirable.
Long hair equals sexy in our culture. It's reinforced constantly. As Beth on NewsRadio noted, "Sexy is pretty with good hair."
I can hardly begrudge people who obsess about hair length. (Personally I think that I fixate more than obsess.) But I do get Teppy's disgruntlement with that being the sole contributor to somebody's attraction. Well, long hair and big tits.