Good grief. My dog walker just called - she accidentally threw the keys away with the dog bag. Fortunately (if somewhat confusing) the dog was already back inside.
This makes in different than
one week ago
when she dropped the keys down the elevator shaft. That time she and the dog had to sit in the hallway for an hour and a half.
She's a nice girl, but I'm starting to wonder about her.
She might be like my ex-roommate who's ADD. She was my attendant, but it was kind of my job to be keymaster. And help her find her glasses.
Nah, I think she's just having a bad week.
Stress makes me forget dumb things.
Can I ask for some unspecified job-related ~ma for the next week?
(Yeah, I said unspecified, and then gave details, I'm a dork. I just don't want anyone worrying about health stuff or stuff with C...not that support there isn't welcome either, just well...oh heck.....)
Any kind of ~ma you need is yours, MG.
Have some Ma, Suzy.
Can you not so obviously process in front of me, especially since I'm still trying to please you because I'm a dumbass and still in love with you?
I advocate a no-lunch policy for the next several weeks.
I had lunch with lisah; it was fun! Oysters and champagne were had. Then gelato.
All sorts of ~ma to you, MG.
~ma, MG.
Okay, this is getting freaky. IT guy's mother just fell ill and is in the hospital. For those following along at home, that's one (possibly two) dead and at least four hospitalized. I should be getting hazard pay.
On the plus side, we did find Former Minor World Leader in time for her speech.
I should be getting hazard pay.
You should also give me a hairdo update.