MG, kick some ass. Seriously. That's unacceptable.
Continued job~ma for Beth's DH and Calli and MG's DH!
Ten minutes is more than long enough to wait on hold with a dr's office, Jess. Five minutes is my cut-off.
Chipotle burrito was just delivered to my desk. Yum!
Edit: Sorry Aimee. I didn't mean to post about food right after you'd posted. Are you okay now?
Ok, spoke with the nurse again who said she HAD been in that room from 12:30am to 6:30am, but that is when they sent her down for surgery.
I hope you feel better soon, Aimee.
MG, I think a freak out, and a smiting all over their ass, is definitely called for.
Thanks for the Overstock warning Tom. I've always had good luck with them, but maybe that was before the Sith lords attacked.
Maidengurl, your DH needs to go to the hospital and park himself in front of someone in Admitting until they find her. That's ludicrous.
a cabal led by a "Sith Lord" was out to destroy his company
I hate it when that happens.
I fear the Huns more than the Sith.
Steph - I have been considering that option.
Oooh, DH is calling.....
I'm ok. Out of work for 2 days, Joe was out for one, my sister was still feeling bad when she left yesterday.
No more Taco Bell.
Is beth b around? I want to taunt her with an email I just got, that started:
Lunch Menu: Shiok! A taste of Singapore
I won't go into the rest of the email, because that would be Just.Too.Mean.
OK - Hospital finaly called. Mom is out of surgery and can get picked up in an hour.
See, I knew if I freaked out a bit, the situation would work out. Still - what a mess.
THANKS for all the kind words and support. I hope this is the last surgery for her for a long while. She has had so many this year.
Wow. They sure went from "We have no idea who you're talking about. Never seen her, never heard of her" to "Oh! Of course we know who you're talking about, she's been right here the whole time" pretty damn quick. Go you! Don't forget her boa when you pick her up.
Glad to hear you're feeling better, Aimee. Food poisoning is one of the worst things ever. Blech.