Wow. They sure went from "We have no idea who you're talking about. Never seen her, never heard of her" to "Oh! Of course we know who you're talking about, she's been right here the whole time" pretty damn quick. Go you! Don't forget her boa when you pick her up.
Glad to hear you're feeling better, Aimee. Food poisoning is one of the worst things ever. Blech.
Oh, Aimee... I hope you are all feeling completely better soon.
My lunch date with my favoritest person, my niece, got cancelled this morning. Since my parent's Christmas party is Saturday, I am less sad about the cancellation. Frankly it's going to be a busy several days, I could use the breathing room.
Though I should probably eat something. And do the mountains of laundry I have piled. And activate my new phone (which DHL delivered early much to my thinking-I-was-still-driving-to-Orange-County relief.) But first get a Christmas list off to my step-mom before she has a complete meltdown.
Bwahahhaahahahahah. I should have walked out the door a minute ago, and I'm still sitting here in my night shirt. I'm usually a get to work on time or early or die trying kind of person, but I don't actually WANT to go.
I'm relieved to hear they found your mom and she is ok, MG.
Nicole - too many departments who don't talk to eachother. The nurse where she had been couldn't even tell me which surgical department they had sent her too...I mean, hello??!?!?
Just stoopid, but I'm glad she finally got the procedure and will be home by the time I get home. If this works, she is one step closer to changing the way she does dialysis and they can remove her old access with the blood clots.
I'm glad that mom of MG is safe and found again.
I have fed the cats. I have not fed me.
Now that my jangled nerves have a chance to calm down I need to decide - free lunch meeting with a boring topic, attendance optional, or buy my own lunch and read fanfic for 30 minutes?
Ok, who wants to babysit Emeline tomorrow night, Saturday night and next Saturday night?
I'll buy dinner and beer!!
Oooh, me, me, Empress....just toss her in Fed Ex and I'll watch her!!!!
Now that my jangled nerves have a chance to calm down I need to decide - free lunch meeting with a boring topic, attendance optional, or buy my own lunch and read fanfic for 30 minutes?
Free lunch at which you read a magazine?