Retailers spend millions, targeting their market(s). 75-80% of the country is supposedly Christian. I've read (I've no idea if it is accurate) that 95% of Americans celebrate not generic winter holidays, but Christmas, specifically. If that's so, why would a retailer choose not to market at least some of their "holiday" sales to people who celebrate Christmas?
I would say that retailers - specifically big chain ones - are really really good at tairloring their sales messages to their markets. If they say "Holiday" and not "Christmas" it might just be because "Holiday" sells better.
The corruption of Chanukka is why we need
Nice bracelet Nora - wish I could be of help, but I have no idea.
Blissfully ignoring the "what are we celebrating" discussion...and I don't send out cards. I used to make my own and send, but have not had the time or motivation the last couple of years.
DH was able to find my gyno's phone # by asking the pharmacist when he was there to pick up something else (of his).
On the one hand, I can now call and yell at them for not calling back the pharmacy. On the other hand, creepy much? That someone not me can get my doctor's phone # that easily?
I can't speak for Kwanzaa, but Hannukah is a minor Jewish holiday whose importance has been inflated in America because its enough like Christmas (happens in winter + gifts) to be conflated into the same shopping frenzy. So for me, that was actually the only *non*-insulting thing in there.
If I thought Wildmon was coming at it from that perspective, sure. But I don't really think that's the case.
That Jewsmas thing was hysterical, and I've passed it on to any number of (Jewish and non) friends already. Also, those look like some good recipes.
I would say that retailers - specifically big chain ones - are really really good at tairloring their sales messages to their markets. If they say "Holiday" and not "Christmas" it might just be because "Holiday" sells better.
And so...don't you think that sort of proves the point of the group that started this protest against Target? Their point is (or at least reads to me as if it is): if you're not going to acknowledge our holiday, you must not want us as customers, so we're not going to patronize your business.
Their point is (or at least reads to me as if it is): if you're not going to acknowledge our holiday, you must not want us as customers
Except that it's obviously untrue. The idea that "Happy Holidays" is an anti-Christian statement is absurd.
And retailers don't "acknowledge" ANY holidays. They have sales and market said sales. It's not "in honor" or ANYTHING but their margins.
The idea that "Happy Holidays" is an anti-Christian statement is absurd.
How many holidays are there between Thanksgiving and New Year's? Christmas, Channukah, Ramadan, Winter Solstice/Yule, Kwaanza, Festivus, Christmakkuh.
Also, you can just as easily claim that holidays like Yule and Saturnalia were corrupted by Christians who stole all their symbols.
"Stole" is such a loaded word.
Once we'd slaughtered them
en masse
all those nice symbols were just lying around...