Loved hearing about the great parenting Emmett is getting...and about teaching children that fear is inevitable but not terminal. Good on ya.
Speaking of fear as well as feeling kinda dumb, I took my Sekrit Santa gift to the PO this am (It has a long way to travel...I'm hoping it makes it on time!) and had a bit of a panic on the way.
This is my first Buffista SS and it occurred to me that I may have done it wrong. Is the sekrit part simply that the prezzie is coming...or should the sender be sekrit as well? Cuz, if so? Duh-umb...I put my name all over it.
Well, I guess if this is the thing causing me the most anxiety today...I'm doing okay. And I'm hopeful that my giftee enjoys!
(I'm certain that the 'all packages must be thoroughly and completely identifiable' rule in my brain somes from having an anthrax scare three doors down from my house a few years ago. Funny how these things stick with you.)
Beej, I always put my name on SS gifts. Some people do and some don't. No worries.
So, maybe 75%, MG? Oh, and watch the mail for a little something. Nothing big.
Beej - revealing who you are with the package is normal. At least, that is how it happened with both the package I sent and received last year. This year I'm worried that I won't be able to do my giftee justice...
So, maybe 75%, MG? Oh, and watch the mail for a little something. Nothing big.
Actually, I'd give it an 80%. And - ooooh, cool.
Phew. Good to know I don't have to be embarrassed for my kind.
(Whatever that might be...)
I hope that vw and MM's stomaches settle down.
Re: Target. I'm kinda torn. On one hand, discriminating on which prescriptions you fill is wrong. Don't want to fill legal prescriptions? Don't become a pharmacist. On the other hand, I understand their treatment of employees is somewhat better than WallMart's or Kmarts or other discount department stores. So I'm inclined to support that. My compromise is shopping at Target for non-pharmacy things and not buying drug store stuff there, such as shampoo and deodorant. (I don't currently have any prescriptions.) I'll still buy a kettle at Target.
I understand their treatment of employees is somewhat better than WallMart's or Kmarts
As a former Target store employee, I can say, it was one of the best jobs I ever had. They treated us fairly, had great perks (check cashing in the store on payday, discount tickets to things, etc), and always listened to us. At one meeting, one of the managers asked us where we bought our shampoo, etc. I told him Meijer because the family size bottles of Pantene were way cheaper. He asked me to bring him proof. I did and the next day, the price was changed. They really gave a lot of autonomy for floor staff. If we decided something, that was it, we were never questioned. Even if we gave discounts to people for unfulfilled rainchecks, florr samples, etc. I had vacation time and health benefits the instant I walked in the door, and they let me work in whatever department I wanted to so I could try new things. I really loved working for them.
Man, this is not a good day for The Bitches, is it?
I'm okay today. I just got back from the dermatologist, who caused me pain by yanking unsightly skin tags off my neck, but I'm happy because now my neck is pretty. Or will be, once it stops bleeding.
I could use some soup, come to think of it. Then my day would be just peachy.
As a former Target store employee, I can say, it was one of the best jobs I ever had. They treated us fairly, had great perks (check cashing in the store on payday, discount tickets to things, etc), and always listened to us.
I'm glad! This is the sort of thing I've heard. And I really like the idea of supporting it with my shopping.
My brother is a current Target employee, albeit with their corporate office and he has been just as happy with them.